How To Install An Official OTA Update on Rooted Android Device?!

Explain how to install OTA Android updates without losing root on any Android phone. You may have received a notification that there is an update for your Android, but you are wondering if you can install it simply and without problems while your phone is rooted? The answer here varies!

If you have installed a custom recovery like TWRP on your phone, the answer would be no! If you have only rooted you device Magisk Manager app, then the answer will be yes!

You can simply do that, and this is what we will explain to you in today’s lesson, which is how you can install OTA official updates on an android that has only root privileges and you do not want to lose them. Just follow along with me.

What are OTA updates for Android?

Over The Air or OTA is an update antenna sent wirelessly to update your Android version to a higher version, by your phone’s manufacturer (it’s called OEM).

Over-the-air OTA updates are the easiest and most effective way to upgrade the system to a higher version. When an over-the-air update is released, you will get a notification about the update to be manually downloaded and installed by you via simple commands for any user without any technical background.

Why can’t you install an OTA update on Rooted device?

We all know these days that rooting does not invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty as before, but is it really installing any update that may take the root? The answer is, yes, but with conditions! And what are these conditions?

Download and install the update directly in the usual way. Well, is there a way for me to download and install it without losing root? I will tell you, what is the use of the article if the answer is no?! Of course my friend, there is a way and I will explain it below. To summarize this paragraph, you can only install an official update over the air without losing the ROOT by the methods described below.

installing Android updates without losing root

Although all of the following steps were performed on a Xiaomi device with MIUI interface, this method actually works for most Android phones that have been rooted with the Magisk app, and now let’s explain the steps of this process:

  1. At first you should have received an over the air update notification on your phone.Steps to install Android updates without losing root
  2. Second, start the update download normally, and wait for it to finish. Do not restart, just wait for the next steps, never to reboot update completed
  3. After the update is finished, do not agree to the restart, and head to Magisk Manager.
  4. Tap Install next to Magisk.
    Install next magisk
  5. Now, if your options include Install to Inactive Slot (After OTA) option, then you are configured to install the update properly.
    Install inactiva slot ota
  6. Now, select this previous option Install to Inactive Slot.
  7. A hint will appear telling you that the installation process will take place on the Inactive slot after the over-the-air update we downloaded. Just click OK to agree.confirm inactive slot boot
  8. Now, click on LET’S GO in the upper right corner.Tap on Lets go button
  9. Now, you have to wait for the installation process to finish in front of you which takes only a few seconds for the word All Done to appear! As shown in the following picture.update installation through magisk is done
  10. Now, you are all set to reboot the phone, install the new update properly while keeping the ROOT on your phone as it was.
  11. Pull down the notification bar and then tap on the update notification to reboot and install the update.

How do you make sure that the root works after the update?

After you have done the previous steps correctly, the phone should boot up properly with new features in the new update if it’s a big update. Now, how do you make sure that the root is present and working properly on your phone after the reboot?

  1. Go to the Play Store, and from the search bar, search for the “Root Checker” app.
  2. Download any application that meets the purpose of the applications shown in front of you.
  3. As for me, I am using Root Checker Basic which is shown in the following image for its simplicity and ease of interface. Download link from here: Root Checker Basic
  4. After downloading the application, open it and click on Verify Root in the application interface.
  5. Agree to the required root permissions, and Congratulations! Root access is properly installed on this device! As the following picture.Ensure that there is a root
If you do not see a message asking you for root permissions, you probably did not take the correct steps as before. You will have to re-root your phone for the version you updated to.

You have to make sure you pass the SafetyNet test too!

We have explained in detail many times what the SafetyNet test is, and explained how to hide the root to pass this test for the root to function properly. Now all that’s left is to make sure that the SafetyNet test passed correctly, and to make sure of that, do the following steps:

  1. Download the YASNAC – SafetyNet Checker app from Google Play.
  2. Next, open the app, and tap Run SafetyNet Attestation to scan the test.Run SafetyNet Attestation
  3. If your things are complete, the word Pass will appear in the results box that appears after the scan is completed, as in the following image.SafetyNet check pass

If you encounter the word Fail in SafetyNet test results, this indicates that the root is not hidden, you have to hide it by going to Magisk Settings and activating BusyBox > Magisk Hide > Systemless hosts. Now go back to the previous steps and run a SafetyNet Check. The result should be Pass!

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